In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Most Merciful, the Truthful and the Most Just: I greet all of you once again who are hungry and thirsty for Allah’s understanding of His righteousness: I greet you all with the greeting words of peace: May Allah’s-Salaam-Alaikum.
We are going to be here a while today. I have a lot that I want to share with you, but before I get into the different subject matters that I want to bring to your attention, I want to give [the opportunity] to those who have questions or even want to present factual information in the form of arguments.
I showed you that clip from “Star Trek: The Next Generation” where Data [asked the question], “Is your position so weak that it cannot withstand debate?”
I thought that was a good thing to remember. People who claim to be giving you factual information, myself included, that cannot stand to be questioned on what they claim to be facts and offer you the proof of those facts: It’s not a fact if you can’t prove it; and if it is facts, you have nothing to fear by people questioning you.
It’s daylight outside. I could put curtains up here and darken this room, and I could still tell you it’s daylight outside. You might say, “Prove it.” And I’ll take you out there to the door and say, “Now, look.”
I’m standing up here giving you understanding that no other man has ever given you, and that man has nerve enough to come in here and ask me to prove that I’m the Son of Man.
How do you prove an algebraic equation to someone who does not understand basic math? You cannot prove it to them, because the fool doesn’t have enough sense to recognize proof when he gets it. So the fool hastens to the correction of the stocks. Proverbs 7:22 says,
He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter, or as a fool to the correction of the stocks;
You know, I had to laugh when I read that, because I remember when we used to go horseback riding when I was out on the west coast where I grew up. We used to go down on Rosecrans to the horse stables, and there was this horse named “Sailor”. He was a stubborn horse, and when Sailor wouldn’t do right, one of the caretakers of the stable got off his horse and took his fist and bust that horse in the head. Then he got back on him, and Sailor took off and did whatever he told him to do; but he had to bust him in the head to show him who the boss was. He corrected that horse by busting him upside the head.
So I kind of laughed every time I read that in Proverbs: The fool hastens to the correction of the stocks.
Sometimes you don’t get the lesson of correction. You get an evil chastisement.
That’s what the people in Sodom and Gomorrah got. They got an evil chastisement, because they wouldn’t accept the correction that Lot was trying to give them. So Lot found out that those visitors were more than just visitors.
Yes, what is it?
Technician: Excuse me, sir. There are some people who have their hand raised.
Son of Man: Unmute them one-by-one, not both at the same time.
Caller #1: May-Allah’s-Salaam-Alaikum, sir.
Son of Man: May Wa-Alaikum-Allah’s-Salaam.
Caller #1: As you instructed, “Message To The Black Man” is now on our website on the Archive page towards the bottom.
Son of Man: Thank you. So now all of you who don’t have a “Message To The Black Man”, when I’m reading from it, you can go to the Archives on, all one word. Click on Archives, and “Message To The Black Man” will come up, and you can find the page that I’m reading from. Thank you, brother.
Caller #1: Yes sir.
Son of Man: We had another person’s hand go up.
Caller #2: May Allah’s-Salaam-Alaikum.
Son of Man: May Wa-Alaikum-Allah’s-Salaam.
Caller #2: Sir, before the meeting started, you were saying something about Lot, and then it just cut off on me. Can you repeat that statement?
Son of Man: I was talking about the evil chastisement. Sometimes chastisement can be of an evil kind. The Messenger (the Honorable Elijah Muhammad) said to us once, “Allah came to do you good. If you will not accept the good, He will do you evil.”
The angels showed up in Sodom and Gomorrah to find out the truth. They came there to do good, and only one man and his household accepted that good. He invited them into his home, and you know what they were thinking: “Oh, it’s not as bad as it sounded. This man invited us into his home.”
So they went into Lot’s home, and before you know it, a commotion was outside of Lot’s house. The men of Sodom had gathered around Lot’s house to do like that clip that I showed you from “Justified”. [The character named] “Devil” was sitting there in front of Boyd Crowder, thinking that he was about to kill Boyd.
So those Sodomites came around the house, and they were going to rape the angels. Of course, nobody knew that those men were angels. Lot didn’t even know it.
Lot went outside and tried to talk to them, and it’s like Boyd told Devil: “You sure you want to do this? Don’t do this.” Devil said, “Well, we are going to see.” He boasted. The next thing you know, he was dead.
Well, Lot told them, “Brothers, don’t do so wickedly. I have daughters here. If you want to take them, do that. But unto these men, don’t do that.”
They said, “Oh no, I’ll tell you what. We are going to do it to you and them.”
So the angels pulled Lot back in the house and left all of those blind, inordinate people just wandering around out there until the morning. They told Lot, “You get out of here. We’ve got something for these people.” And that was the end of it.
I’m not going to go into how it was done. It said, there came fire and brimstone on them. Genesis 19:24 says,
Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven;
You know, whenever a volcano erupts, whenever the Earth pukes up on you, you smell sulfur. Sulfur is one of the main ingredients. Brimstone is sulfur. It rained fire and brimstone on them.
That’s how we raised mountains on this Earth. But anyway, I’m going to leave that alone. The Messenger already taught you on that, so I don’t really have to go into any long drawn-out thing about that.
Was there anyone else that had something they wanted to ask me?
Technician: No one else has their hand raised.
Son of Man: Okay. There’s something else I wanted you to see. These little clips that I show you—As I told you and as the Scripture says, the devil didn’t create anything. Everything he got, he got from Us. Even these movies that I’m showing you: you see a spiritual lesson in that movie.
The devil was made to try you, to test God’s creation the same way that the makers of automobiles make that automobile to ride you around in comfort, even in rough terrain.
It’s just like shock absorbers: cars didn’t always have shock absorbers on them. They didn’t always have springs on them, but as they developed the automobile, the automobile was gradually being changed and perfected.
When they put springs on it, then it could roll down the road and hit a bump and it would start rocking, and that felt good for a while; but after a while, it rocked too much. So they put shocks on the automobile, so that when it hits a bump, the axle and everything would kind of float up under it, and the car would almost stay level, and nobody would get stomach fluctuations from riding in it.
All of these things happened over a period of time. So likewise, the automobile industry also developed what they call “proving grounds”, so that they could test these things before they even started mass-producing them. That proving ground was designed to manifest the flaws in the construction of that automobile.
When you look at the Earth and man, God made something to perfect us. He made the devil, and gave the devil knowledge of how to build up a world of temptation, and He gave him dominion.
We were all given something that no other creature has, because we are the temple of the Creator. We have the ability to will things.
Other creatures, like horses and all those creatures: They have a will of sorts, but not the way we have. A horse can buck you off if he doesn’t will to carry you. He can try to buck you off, but you can break his will.
With human beings, even when you force them against their will and do what you think has broken them, you have not done anything but created a stronger desire to fix you. Their will is to still be free.
Be free to do what? To make their own choice, because they came with their own mind. They came with their own keeper, their own brain, that has its own will.
That’s why the Creator says in Isaiah 1:18,
Come now, and let us reason together…
You say, “Now this is why I don’t want to go along with you in what you’re trying to do here.”
And the two conspicuous ways were pointed out to us. The Holy Quran 90:10 says,
And pointed out to him the two conspicuous ways?
I don’t care what continent you live on, the world around you is evil.
This is your chance to show me that your continent and where you live and the city that you live in is not evil. Show it to me.
Notice, there’s nobody saying that they aren’t living in an evil world. Well then what does that say about all of these so-called religions that you have?
Come on, I thought that religion was supposed to help you be righteous people. You’ve had all of these religions since the making of this technologically advanced society that you have here. Why isn’t there any righteousness anywhere?
You have people murdering other people and doing it in the name of God. In the name of perpetuating religion. Jesus said in John 8:44,
Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning…
Now was that you killing people? You said you’re serving God? The Scripture says the devil was the one that was a murderer from the beginning, and he did not abide in Allah, the Truth, in Allah’s will.
No, he was given a will of his own to do things his way. He was even given a mind to do other than right, and he even acknowledged that in the Holy Quran 15:39.
He said: My Lord, as Thou hast judged me erring…
Do you know what erring means? Let me show you. Did you ever watch baseball? Well, I used to watch it from time to time. Baseball was a long game. You could spend all day at Wrigley Field or at the Los Angeles Dodgers Stadium. You could take a lunch. You know, people used to pack their own lunches. They got smart at the ballpark, and now they sell you hotdogs and stuff.
But the point is: Baseball has nine innings, and at the end of each inning, after maybe two runs, two hits, and no errors, sometimes the announcer would say, “No runs, two hits”, or “two hits or four hits and two errors.”
Now why do they say “errors”?
For instance, the short-stop: The short-stop is the man whose field of play is generally between second base and third base, and he’s in the pocket there. The short-stop generally has to have really good reflexes, because anything that’s hit between second and third base, that’s his territory, and he’s supposed to be able to stop it if it’s a ground ball or line drive.
A line drive is something that’s straight at you. If he fumbles it or misses it, then he’s in “error” because he knows how to do all of that. He just failed to do it properly.
It’s just like the White man. You notice, the White man knows that I’m telling the truth, that he’s the devil. He knows that. He was made the devil. Now why is he not coming in here accusing me of teaching other than the truth? Because he knows the truth when he hears it.
Chicago Mayor Richard Daley declared “Elijah Muhammad Day” in Chicago, and the press told him, “You’re declaring ‘Elijah Muhammad Day’, and Elijah Muhammad teaches that White people are devils.”
This was a dumb reporter, you see. They don’t know the truth. So Mayor Daley looked at him and said, “If the shoe fits, wear it.”
You see, it is not that the devil has been hidden. He’s been a devil out in the open. But we were too blind, deaf, and dumb to see it. Spiritually blind, spiritually deaf, and spiritually dumb.
If I’m teaching something that’s not true, why don’t you come in here and show that I’m teaching something other than the truth; and I will give you the $50,000 and I will also pay for it with my life.
– the Son of Man
So We are not saying things to you out of spite. We are just correcting the misunderstanding that you have had of the world and the rulers around you.
I mean, the reason the devil is called the “arch deceiver” is because he is not the only deceiver. That’s why when you go to some of these places around China and all of these other places, they call the White man a “foreign devil”.
I asked you the question once: “Well, who is the local devil?” [smiles]
In “X-Men: Days of Future Past”, do you remember when Mystique (or Raven) transformed herself into a Vietnamese officer and knocked him out? Before that, the Vietnamese officer was sitting there drinking, and his aide told him, “Don’t you think you need to go slow on that? We have a meeting tomorrow.”
He said, “It’s not everyday you win a war against the American devils.”
Right. They put that in their own movie. One of the nicknames of the Marine Corp is “devil dogs”. You didn’t know that, did you?
They got that name from Montezuma, if I remember the history correctly. You notice, that song says, “From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli, we will fight our country’s battles on air, on land, on sea”.
But anyway, I want you to remember these things. I want you to understand that we are not calling people out of their names. We are giving you their real names, and we named them that. We made them that, and now I’m here to change the world.
You cannot change a man unless you can change his mind. When you change the mind of a person, you have changed the whole person.
So all of you need to listen to me. I want to show you another little clip here. You know, it’s bad when you start believing your own lies, because a man who starts believing his own lies is a man who has renounced reality (has decided to reject reality).
Now, watch this. This is a clip from “Justified”. It’s about three minutes long.
[The Son of Man plays a clip from “Justified” season 4 episode 3 “Truth and Consequences”]
Reverend Billy: Praise God in Jesus’ name. Amen. Praise God. Church, I have a story to tell this evening. Now I was taught that the reason we handle serpents is because by protecting us from their poison, He reveals his glory. Amen.
Congregation: Amen.
Reverend Billy: Church, last night, a devil entered this place. And it was through these very serpents that the Lord cast him out. It was through these very serpents that he sheltered me.
[The Son of Man pauses the clip]
Son of Man: Now in a scene before that one, Boyd Crowder had sent a couple of his men there to deal with the preacher. The preacher had a bunch of rattlesnakes laying around on the floor, and when Boyd’s men got in there, before they knew anything, the rattlesnakes were biting one of them.
The man was bit by a whole bunch of snakes, and yet, he swole up but he didn’t die. They got him to the doctor, and the doctor said, “I don’t know why he isn’t dead”; but Boyd and them figured it out. They figured out that most of the snakes had been milked of the poison.
That girl, Cassie (the preacher’s sister), was going around milking them all and getting the full dose of the poison out of them. There was still some left, but it wasn’t as potent, because she had milked them.
So Boyd came to church the next day with a rattlesnake that hadn’t been milked.
[The Son of Man resumes the clip]
Reverend Billy: Church, it seems only fitting that just now as I spoke of devils, Boyd Crowder appeared in our midst. It was Boyd Crowder whose assassins the Lord turned away last night.
Boyd Crowder: I’d be more inclined to call them angels.
Reverend Billy: Blasphemy.
Boyd Crowder: Dark angels sent here to remind you that all men are human.
Reverend Billy: Well you know, Mr. Crowder, I’d hoped that the bribe you offered my sister last night that she rejected would have been sufficient, but it appears the Lord sees fit to remind us of the persistence of evil.
Boyd Crowder: Oh this ain’t a bribe, Billy. It’s a gift.
Reverend Billy: Well as you well know, Mr. Crowder, this church no longer accepts donations.
Boyd Crowder: Well this gift ain’t to the church. It’s to the congregation. And it ain’t money. It’s knowledge.
Now this here in this box is a genuine canebrake rattlesnake pulled this very day from a rock crevice alongside the Cumberland river, which is how I know your sister hasn’t had a chance to milk it like she has all these other snakes.

Reverend Billy: Once again, Mr. Crowder, I am amazed at the ease with which lies drip from your forked tongue.
Boyd Crowder: Well if I’m lying, you won’t mind taking a hold of this bad boy.
Cassie: Mr. Crowder, these serpents are not props to us. We take them up only when the Lord moves us, and then it’s only in pursuit of His glory.
Boyd Crowder: Well how do you think that’s going to play with the flock, Billy? Huh? How say you, flock?
Now there are those men who choose to stay in the dark, but there are some men who choose to come out into the light; and those men should be transparent.
Reverend Billy: Alright, Mr. Crowder. I will indulge your sideshow, for it is not with words that I preach, but with a demonstration of the spirit’s power.
Boyd Crowder to Cassie: You’re going to have to tell him. This is your last chance.
Cassie: Billy, don’t. Don’t.
Reverend Billy: No, it’s not possible.
Boyd Crowder: Oh sure it is. You just just jam the fangs right down on the funnel and you press right behind the eyes.
Reverend Billy: I would have known.
Cassie: Come here. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. You weren’t there when daddy died. You didn’t have to listen to him scream as the poison ate out his insides.
Boyd Crowder: Well I think we’ve seen all we needed to see.
Reverend Billy: You set that box down, Mr. Crowder.
Cassie: Billy!
Reverend Billy: Mr. Crowder!
Cassie: Billy!
Reverend Billy: You may have started this game, but you do not get to say when it is over.
[The Son of Man stops the clip]
Engineer: Son of Man, we’re getting a copyright notice from YouTube.
Son of Man: Well first of all, when you say a copyright notice, I got this off of YouTube. That’s a clip that I recorded off of YouTube that’s already on YouTube, so how am I infringing on a copyright when it’s already out there?
It’s a little over 3 minutes. See, that doesn’t make a lot of sense to me.
I’ll tell you what: You all can go on YouTube and pull up the “Justified: Boyd invites Billy to handle the snake he has brought as a gift” scene, and you’ll see that Billy picked up that snake and that ended that. The boy got bit by the snake that they hadn’t milked the poison out of, and he died.
Boyd didn’t want that boy to die from the snake. He just wanted to show that the boy and his sister were running game on the congregation. But the boy didn’t know his sister was milking those snakes. (I guess he didn’t know.) And when she confessed to it, he just couldn’t believe that that’s what would happen to him.
You know, Allah does miracles. Allah has power over all of His creation. He can say to poison, “Don’t hurt my servant.” He can say to fire, “Don’t burn my servant.” But when the devil took Jesus up on the pinnacle of the temple in Luke 4:9-12, it says,
9 And he brought him to Jerusalem, and set him on a pinnacle of the temple, and said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down from hence:
10 For it is written, He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee:
11 And in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.
12 And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt [meaning, test] the Lord thy God.
Satan was trying to get Jesus to test God’s Word.
Is it an act of faith to test God? No. That’s a lack of faith.
It’s just like me. Just because I know that Allah has promised me that no weapon against me shall prosper, I’m supposed to go out there and tell somebody, “Shoot at me and see”?
No, I don’t do that. I don’t have to do that. I let them do that on their own, and they’ll find out.
So you have to be careful. This world is set up like a proving ground, an obstacle course.
In the Marine Corp, you have to go through an obstacle course. You have to run. You have to climb the wall. You have to do a lot of things before you are going to get that title “Marine”. It’s not designed for you to fail.
Caller #3: Son of Man, I was watching you on YouTube and it went out. I just wanted to let you know.
Son of Man: Brother Jamar, are you seeing us on YouTube?
Brother Jamar: It went out temporarily when we got the copyright infringement notice, but it’s back now.
Son of Man: It was just temporary because of what they said about the copyright thing; but I played a clip that’s already on YouTube.
I know that the law of copyright says there’s a fair usage clause, that you can use things for teaching purposes. I am holding a class here.
This is to show you that you all don’t really respect your own laws. You don’t care about the law. That’s how Donald Trump became president, because you don’t give a damn about your own laws. That’s going to come back and bite you. You watch what I tell you.
You take pride in picking and choosing who you will recognize to follow your law on. That’s going to be your downfall.
A law that’s not always enforced is not a law.
Now don’t say I didn’t warn you.
You know, when a person practices injustice on other people, they don’t see anything wrong with it until it comes back around to them. Then they scream to high heaven.
When King George was a tyrant over you, you went to war against him and his unjust behavior and taxing [you] without representation. I mean, you were screaming and kicking, and now you have become the proxy for that same mind that you fought a Revolutionary War to get rid of. So you go ahead, boy.
But anyway, let me go here. You remember that movie “Remember The Titans” where the crooked referees kept throwing flags for the wrong reasons and were cheating?
If I’m teaching something that’s not true, why don’t you come in here and show that I’m teaching something other than the truth; and I will give you the $50,000 and I will also pay for it with my life.
If I didn’t have a job to do here, I would have [left you a long time ago]. You remember when I told you that I wouldn’t mind living in Justin Trudeau’s country that he’s the Prime Minister over. But the Scripture does not give me that option. I have to judge these people. So, as it is written in Revelation 18:8,
Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.
Wasn’t that something that Boyd said? You know, I hope that they are successful in making sure that the writers and the actors in Hollywood get their proper dues from when they have worked and made money for those who control those things.
If you are making money off of their work, why shouldn’t you let them have some of that money? That’s only just, and that’s written. Deuteronomy 25:4 says,
Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn.
Now they have this stuff where they can take an image of you and make movies with your image. They call it an AI (artificial intelligence). You know some people are going to try to use it for crooked stuff; but I’m going to tell you something. There are ways to determine if something is made up.
It’s just like a diamond. The average person looks at a diamond or a rhinestone, and they can’t tell the difference; but a diamond cutter and someone who knows diamonds can look at them and spot them a mile off.
It’s just like how people think all guns are the same. Well, all guns are basically the same: they kill people. But the rifling in a gun, that thing that makes that bullet come out of the muzzle and barrel: Most people don’t realize that inside of a gun barrel (especially the M16 and the M14 and those weapons that are for warfare), you notice that bullet pretty much has a round tip on it, or a pointed tip on it.
It’s like a football on the front. It’s flat on the back, but it comes out of the barrel, and the rifling in the barrel makes it start spinning as it comes out; and that makes it travel straighter.
I was an armorer in the Marine Corp. I learned a lot about that kind of stuff, but it’s been so long since I’ve handled guns that it has kind of faded out of my mind; but I do recall that.
So, the rifling leaves its print on the bullet. You may think that you can just keep duplicating the same thing, but each rifling has its own print, and that’s [how] they can trace a bullet back to whether it was fired from your gun. They look at the rifling marks on it.
I’m not sure, but I think that they purposely alter rifling in them so that each one has its own fingerprint.
You know, I give him credit for not being stupid. It’s just like certain things that you don’t hear me talk about, because I don’t want to cripple the ability of true law enforcement people to locate criminals.
Some of you all who are on the news, you ask too many questions of law enforcement. You ask, “How did you do that?”
Why would you ask him how he found out that this person was doing this? That’s stupid. You just ought to be thankful that he found out. You’re a bunch of dummies.
People who hate this country have been systematically putting themselves in positions where they can do harm to this country. You’d better wake up to that.
Thank you for reading this article.
May Allah’s-Salaam-Alaikum.
The Son & Sun of Man
Messenger of the Covenant
The Son of Man
5306 Red Lick Road
Lorman, MS 39096
Home # (601) 786-6267 or 786-9742
Cell # (601) 786-1332