Saviour’s Day 2024 pt 2

The Meaning of Saviour’s Day and the True Reality of God

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Most Merciful, the Truthful and the Most Just: Who came to North America in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad and raised, or taught, and sent the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to find and raise and teach me: 

I greet all of you who are hungry and thirsty for the Truth of religion and the Word of God, and for Truth in general, with the greeting words of peace:

May Allah’s-Salaam-Alaikum.

So when you say the Sabbath Day, you are talking about the Saviour’s Day.

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad couldn’t tell you that. It wasn’t for him to tell you. It was for him to give me the keys and then say, “Now you tell them everything.”

And that’s what I’m doing. I was dead to the knowledge of myself, and I had to experience that in order to understand how we could do a lot of things that we just didn’t have any business doing. 

But when you don’t know yourself, how can you be yourself? When a person has amnesia, they don’t know. You saw the movie “The Bourne Identity”. He didn’t know himself. 

But sometimes to not know yourself is a good thing. And in our case it’s a good thing, because God wanted us to be a new people. New wine has to be placed in new bottles. 

We are the first people. We were the first new man. We didn’t have a father and a mother. Hebrews 7:3 says,

Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; 

That’s us. The only reason you know the beginning of your days of being here is because your mama and daddy told you. But we didn’t have a mama and daddy. So we are called the “ancient of days”. And since we were first, everybody has to acknowledge that we made everybody else. 

And we are the last new people in the sun. There has never been a people like us: Negroes. Nobody was ever named a Negro. But that’s what we became. Mud people. People who were born to serve: Just born slaves. 

What did we prove in slavery? We proved that the Declaration of Independence was correct. 

It says, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal and are endowed with certain inalienable rights.” 

Rights that you can’t teach out of them, you can’t frighten out of them, and you can’t indoctrinate them out of. You just can’t take it from them.

They are inalienable rights: the right to life, the right to freedom, and the right to pursue happiness. They tried for 400 years to take out of us the desire for freedom, and they never succeeded. The human spirit, the human mind, is like the universe. You can’t cage it up. It doesn’t have any walls.

It wasn’t designed for walls. That’s freedom. Just keep going in any direction. You are free to do so, because you sure aren’t going to run into a wall like that. And so likewise, since We knew that, now they have found it out. The only thing that was left was for us to fulfill what needed to be done in order to bring about a mind that was not just floating, but a mind that had purpose. 

I remember when the Messenger (the Honorable Elijah Muhammad) told us, “No Muslim is ever without purpose. If he’s walking, he knows why he’s out there walking. Whatever he’s doing, he knows why he’s doing it.”

[It is] a child’s mind [when you ask them] why they are doing that, they say, “I don’t know.”

When you have to say “I don’t know”, that’s a child’s mind [that] you have there, because if you don’t know why you’re doing it, you should not be doing it.

It’s just like what Allah told His Messengers in the Holy Quran 13:40. It says,

Whether We let thee see part of that which We promise them, or cause thee to die, thine is but the delivery of the message, and Ours to call (them) to account.

“If We make you understand part of what We ordered you to say, or cause you to misunderstand, you just deliver the message.” 

So when the Messenger of God is doing something, even if he doesn’t know why it’s being done, he knows that he is doing it because Allah told him to. Listen to the Messenger (the Honorable Elijah Muhammad) because he’s going to get deep into what Saviour’s Day is about, and what I’m here for. 

[The Son of Man resumes the video of Saviour’s Day 1973]

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad: We have been lost for so long.

[The Son of Man pauses the video]

Engineer: Excuse me, sir. We have someone here, Richard Sharieff. He says, “The Messenger met and was taught by God in Person, Master Wali Fard Muhammad. Who taught this man [who is] speaking now?” 

Son of Man: Well that’s a good question. What you need to do is call into the conference room. We are in there. I’ll be more than happy to have a conversation with you; but the way you put that question, you weren’t even talking to me. I think you are in there trying to keep people from listening to me, because you are trying to get a conversation on the side with somebody else. 

The mere fact that you don’t know who taught me should make you careful. 

I mean, it’s improper for you to come into something late, and then start making judgments about whether you should listen to the person before you even heard what the person had to say. 

You keep talking about what the Messenger said. I’m playing the Messenger and what he had to say. Why would you want to start talking while I’m playing the Messenger that you say you believe in? 

Did you give him the number? 

Engineer: Yes sir. I gave the number to him. He never responded.

Son of Man:  That tells you all you need to know. 

See, he’s trying to get a conversation like they have on some of those other sites. While a person is talking, they are typing to each other. They aren’t listening to the person that’s talking, obviously; because they’re typing at each other. But in my class, people don’t do that. You see him typing something, and nobody is answering him. He’ll get the message after a while. 

Engineer:  We have someone else. Mark Williams says, “Who is this person?” 

Son of Man: Well why don’t you come and ask me? You came to our site. Obviously you know it’s a Scriptural Discussion with the Son of Man. 

I’m the Son of Man. That’s who I am. And if I was you, I wouldn’t ask me to prove that. I would suggest you listen and get your proof that way, instead of coming in here thinking you’re about to throw some insults at me, because I’m not going to take that anymore. I told you all that I’m not going to take your insults any more.

[The Son of Man resumes the video]

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad:  We have been lost so long. Had been lost, excuse my English, so long that it’s taken One that loved us. It’s taken One that was made for us out of the two people, to come and seek to find us; and after finding us, He had to have the power to save and deliver us.

This man had to be prepared. He was not already made and formed. He had to be prepared, and formed to get among us. He could not come as He was in the spiritual form of the nation’s mind. So His father had to prepare this man.

[The Son of Man pauses the video]

Son of Man: Now as he said, He couldn’t come in the form of the nation’s mind in the spiritual form, in the form of Black man. That’s what he was  talking about. So He had to prepare a body to come in.

His father went and found a woman [so] that he could produce a Son that looked like White              people. So just listen, he’s telling it now. 

[The Son of Man resumes the video]

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad: So His father had to prepare this man to come, find us, and then take us from our captor.

We had to be taken. This is why He Himself had to come. Even I, saith the prophet: I will go after them. I will search the Earth until I find them.

A great lover with all power and with the eye to search the Earth to locate that lost one. We are a very beloved people for God Himself to come and search the Earth and the nations to find we that were lost. 

You are greatly beloved for God Himself to come and search the earth for us. That’s a beloved people.

He’s so greatly in love for His people that He threatened the whole population of the Earth to give them up. He said to me that if you had been here in the days of Mohammed, may the peace and the blessings of Allah be upon him, he would have come and gotten you himself.

[The Son of Man pauses the video]

Son of Man: The way he put that was because of the sign. If that sign of the birth of the Mahdi had been in the days of Mohammed, then it would have been on Mohammed to get over here and find that architect that was carried on a westerly course, and murdered and buried under a pile of rubbish. That’s all Christianity and all these religions that they gave you is: It’s nothing but a bunch of rubbish.

Old people used [that word for] lies and foolishness. They [would say], “That boy isn’t saying nothing but some rubbish.” 

A few of you are old enough to remember that. You know what I’m talking about. Now we say “talking trash”, but when we were growing up, the trash man was called the rubbish man.

So they buried us over here under rubbish. You notice, when your head is asleep, the body is dead to the world. So to awaken you, they had to find and awaken your head. 

That was the job that the Messenger had to fulfill. He had to find and raise One that he could teach it all to, that wouldn’t go crazy. And that’s me. 

I had to experience both worlds. I had to have the knowledge of both people.

I had to have the knowledge of the United States and its way of ruling, for he is the chief ruler. This is the cradle of civilization: the western civilization stock market and all that stuff that started right here. 

Everybody now is invested in that stock market. If America falls, all of them fall. So the dollar is the most valuable currency, because it’s from the greatest ruler of this world. 

So this is the cradle. The Book teaches you, speaking of the Comforter or the Saviour: The Holy Quran 3:45 says,

And he will speak to the people when in the cradle and when of old age, and (he will be) one of the good ones.

This is what you see going on now.  I’m speaking to the whole world from the cradle of civilization; and I’m no baby compared to everybody else on this planet. Joe Biden is about seven years older than me. Donald Trump is about four years older than me. So I mean,  I’m up there around Mitch McConnell and all of them.

So they aren’t talking over my head, but I certainly can talk over theirs. What I mean by that is whatever they say, I can talk back to them.

Whatever I say, they can’t say anything back to me because I’m the only One who knows what I’m talking about. Until I share with you what I mean by what I say, you don’t know.

You are about to hear the Messenger (the Honorable Elijah Muhammad) say something that I have to explain to you.

Engineer: Excuse me, Son of Man. Mark Williams says, “I’ve been wanting to help the Nation of Islam. I just heard about the most Honorable Elijah Muhammad two years ago.” 

Son of Man: Okay. Well Mark, come on in and pay attention; and if you think I’m worthy to be helped, then you help me. If not, it’s okay. But you have to be intelligent about it.

If you want to know about a person and they’re willing to talk to you, well then you can find out all you want to know by coming and talking to them. That’s all. I’m not proud.

I’ll talk to anybody who wants to talk to me, because I’m not a liar. I’m not standing up saying things that I’m not willing to be questioned about.

If I say something and it creates a question in your head, then I should be able to handle that which I created. 

Every teacher I ever had: When they were  teaching me and my hand went up, they stopped; and since they created the question, when I asked the question, they had the answer. 

If you’re saying things and people ask you questions about what you said and you get upset, you didn’t have any business creating the question. You brought that out. 

They tell that to people that are in court all of the time. He’ll open up a door talking about somebody’s history, how he’s a good man and he did this and he did that; and then when the other person brings up something bad that he did, he says, “Objection, your honor.” 

The judge says, “Well counselor, you opened the door to that. If you can come in here and talk about the good stuff that he did and his character, well you can’t get mad when the other side points out the bad stuff.” 

Well, okay. A learned question is a question that you didn’t have until that person said a certain thing and then it  created that question. You learned that question from them, and if they didn’t want you to ask that question, they shouldn’t have taught it to you.

Okay, so just pay attention, brother, because there hasn’t actually ever been a Nation of Islam. 

I’m building the Nation of Islam, because the Nation of Islam could not be built by just anyone.

It couldn’t be built by a Prophet. 

Look at the name of it: Nation of entire submission to the will of God.

Well, the only One who can build a nation that is submitting totally to God’s will is God Himself. So it’s written in the Book of Hebrews 11:10,

For he [Abraham] looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.

That’s what he prayed for. In the Holy Quran 2:128, it says,

127 And when Abraham and Ishmael raised the foundations of the House: Our Lord, accept from us surely Thou art the Hearing, the Knowing.

128 Our Lord, and make us both submissive to Thee, and (raise) from our offspring, a nation submissive to Thee, and show us our ways of devotion and turn to us (mercifully); surely Thou art the Oft-returning (to mercy), the Merciful.

Turn to Hebrews chapter 11 and I’m going to start at the 8th verse.

8 By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, [he] obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went.

9 By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise [or prophecy]:

“Promise” there means “prophecy”. Then it says,

10 For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.

When the Messenger gave us the Student Enrollment, he said, “What is the birth record of the said Nation of Islam?” 

He said the birth record of the “said” Nation of Islam, because it was the same thing as when he said the “so-called” American negro.

We were never negroes. That’s just what we were called. And if you had been in the Nation, you would have known that it was not a Nation of Islam. That’s because everybody who was in it wasn’t necessarily of it. There was all kinds of hypocrisy going on in the Nation. 

As a matter of fact, the Messenger said that the Nation was honeycombed with hypocrites.

So how could it be a Nation of Islam if it was full of hypocrites? And you found that out when W.D. Mohammed took over and all of them threw the teachings behind their back. Most of them did. 

The foundation is what was laid. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad laid the foundation. As he said, “We are laying a foundation for a New Nation.”

So this is what I’m here to do.

What is it, son?

Engineer: We have someone else whose screenname is “Male Nomadic Lion”. He says, “See man, why is there always separation?”

Son of Man: Well that’s you trying to practice something that’s impossible to do. For you to even ask me why there is always separation, it shows that you are not actually a learned person. That is not an intelligent question.

Why do people get married and separate? 

I mean, you have never been part of something and decided you weren’t going to be a part of that any more? Why did you decide you didn’t want  to be part of it any more? Because you weren’t in agreement any more.

You can’t unite with somebody that you don’t agree with. “Unite” is a term which has the prefix word “unit”.

A unit is one. How can there be oneness or unity if there isn’t agreement? And if you try to force oneness on people who are not in agreement, all you’re doing is creating trouble. 

When two people can’t get along, or when a thousand people can’t get along, they have to separate from each other unless they’re ready to kill each other.

So for you to ask why there is separation, that’s not an intelligent question. You wouldn’t even have to ask me that question if you thought about it. You’d already know why: Because you don’t agree with people; and rather than stay there arguing with somebody that you don’t agree with, you ought to just separate. Leave them alone.

Engineer: Richard Sharieff says, “”Said” means definitive, by the way. And opposite of “so-called”, which means…

Son of Man: Well even that, you’re trying to sound intelligent. That does not contradict what I said. 

When you say “said” means “definitive”, it means it’s something that you’re calling something. The “said” Nation of Islam: that doesn’t mean that it is that. It means that’s what you said it is, or that’s what you’re saying it is. But the Honorable Elijah Muhammad already took that away. He said, “The said Nation of Islam has no birth record.”

If it has no birth record, it has never been born, because it has no beginning nor ending. Well, Elijah came and laid the foundation, and then the builder showed up; which is standing here talking to you.

I’m building the Nation of Islam now. As he said, “The said Nation of Islam has no birth record. It has no beginning nor ending.”

Then the Scripture says in Revelation 1:8,

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord…

The beginning and the ending of what? The Nation of Islam.

So I would suggest, brother, that you sit there and you listen before you start calling yourself making judgments.

[The Son of Man resumes the video]

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad: That shows how important you are, that God will not allow one of us to be lost.

[The Son of Man pauses the video]

Son of Man: You notice, he said God would not allow one of us to be lost. That One was me.

I was lost over here; and as the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said, “Come on in, brother. Have a seat, brother. He was lost, now He’s found. He was dead, now He’s alive.” 

It’s all in his teachings; and he knew that I would make him bear me witness. As he said, “The Son of Man, He’s so wise and powerful [meaning knowledgeable] that He makes everything of the creation to bear Him witness. Then makes you and me bear witness that this is the Judgment [that this is the Truth].” 

And he chuckled a little bit, because he saw this. 

[The Son of Man resumes the video]

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad: Not say a hundred or a thousand or two, but not one should be lost. He prepared Saviours to come for you. He says in the Bible, “I will send saviors after you.”

[The Son of Man pauses the video]

Son of Man: Every one of the Messengers of God, those that you see mentioned in this Book and those that weren’t mentioned, was sent for me. They were my tutors; and Allah sent them to find their way to me.

They left me this inheritance here. The Holy Scriptures are my inheritance. If it was not my inheritance, I wouldn’t understand it.

You didn’t understand the Scriptures. There’s not a one of you on this planet that can open up the Scriptures and explain them to me. Not one. Which tells you that either God is stupid or that He didn’t send this to you; because if He meant it for you, why don’t you understand it? And if He didn’t mean me for you, why are you not misunderstanding me? 

You understand me perfectly because I’m sent to you. I’m His gift to you; and you know how you’re supposed to act when somebody gives you something. You’re supposed to be grateful.  But what did the Devil say? “And thou will not find most of them thankful.” The Holy Quran 7:17 says,

Then I shall certainly come upon them from before them and from behind them, and from their right and from their left; and Thou wilt not find most of them thankful.

I’ve taught you more in an hour than you learned all your life about the Word of God. Instead of being thankful, you’re sitting up out there trying to be the Devil’s advocate. 

Okay, don’t say I didn’t try to reach you; and it wasn’t that I couldn’t reach you, because if I wasn’t reaching you, you’d be able to argue back at me. 

Go and look at my conversation with Gino Jennings or Holger Neubauer, or any other people that I ever argued with, and find (if you can find one) when I explained something that they could say, “That didn’t mean that. That meant this.” 

Nobody has ever had to correct me on what the Scripture meant. They just moved on.

The devil is listening right now. In Mississippi, they are listening to me; and he’s going to tell you, when it’s all said and done, that Allah promised you the promise of Truth and he promised you him, the White man, and he failed to keep his promise. The Holy Quran 14:22 says,

And the devil will say, when the matter is decided: Surely Allah promised you a promise of truth, and I promised you, then failed you. And I had no authority over you, except that I called you and you obeyed me; so blame me not but blame yourselves. I cannot come to your help, nor can you come to my help. I deny your associating me with Allah before. Surely for the unjust is a painful chastisement.

If I’m not the Lord, how have I survived here in Mississippi teaching what I teach? Explain that one. 

You’re always trembling and going on. The White man calls up threatening some of them and they say, “I’m scared.”

I’m not scared. I’ve seen the cemetery get filled by people who thought they were going to do something to me. Right here in Jefferson County, they were dying like flies around here.

They learned to leave me alone. If a man says he doesn’t want to be bothered with you, he                shouldn’t [have to] be bothered with you.

I’m not going where he doesn’t want me. I don’t want his daughter,  I don’t want his wife, I don’t want his school; I don’t want anything he has. If it’s his, he can keep it.

Just let me keep what’s mine. I’m not even trying to blame him for  slavery. God’s Word said it, and that was the end of that. It was going to happen. Whether we want it or whether he wants it or not, it’s going to happen because God made it happen. So you don’t have any revenge to get on White people for slavery.

That’s the Word of God being fulfilled. 

You remember when Jesus told Peter, “The Son of Man shall be betrayed and this is going to              happen to him”; and Peter said, “No, Lord.” 

Jesus said, “Get out of my way, Satan.” Mark 8:31-33 says,

31 And he began to teach them, that the Son of man must suffer many things, and be rejected of the    elders, and of the chief priests, and scribes, and be killed, and after three days rise again.

32 And he spake that saying openly. And Peter took him, and began to rebuke him.

33 But when he had turned about and looked on his disciples, he rebuked Peter, saying, Get thee behind me, Satan: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but the things that be of men.

He called Peter “Satan”. That’s the Devil when God tells you that this is going to take place or that’s going to take place, and you say, “No, that isn’t going to happen.” 

You have forgotten who you’re talking to.

So I’m not interested in revenge. I’m interested in salvation for my people; and all people are my people. The Messenger (the Honorable Elijah Muhammad) taught us that. You just didn’t pay attention. 

Didn’t he tell you that We made White people? Didn’t he tell you that We made Brown people? Didn’t he tell you that We made Yellow people? 

Jacob [Yakub] was the One who understood how to make all of those people, and He never saw a White man; but He left the knowledge here, like [how] Einstein never saw an atomic bomb but he sure left the formula for you. Did he really have to see it? He had already seen it in that  mathematical formula.

Yakub referred to us as His uncle. He said, “Uncle, when I get to be an old man, I’m going to make a people that will rule you.” And Yakub’s name was changed to Israel.

He’s been here all the time. The mind that was in Him became a whole nation called Israel, and after they got old, they enslaved His uncle, His father’s brother. 

Mr. Shabazz and all of the Scientists before 6,000 years ago were all Black men, and all Black men are brothers literally. 

We all came from One, and so that’s why the White man referred to us sometimes as “uncle” and “auntie”. When [they would] get [around an] old Black man or an old Black woman, they’d say, “Hey auntie, hey Uncle Remus” or whatever. And he didn’t know why he was called “uncle”.

The White man got a kick out of making fun, knowing that we didn’t really know what the score was, because we were not wise guys; but he was a wise guy. 

The mafia are wise guys. They knew they were devils and they know that now. They know they’re devils, and they even said, “Well speak of the Devil”. They know. 

The thing is that they know you didn’t know; and there’s a lot of people that look like us (Black people) that were saying that the White man is the Devil, but they didn’t believe that. They were just saying that [because] they thought that this was some way of getting back at them for calling us niggers. 

No, the White man is the real Devil, and he’s not responsible for being the Devil. We are. We made him, and he never knew why, and so We let him think that We were going to kill him at the end of 6,000 years, and he’s been mad ever since. 

That’s why the Ku Klux Klan and all of them said they are “protecting the great White race”. From who? “From the mud people because they are going to kill us. We have to do it to them before they do it to us.” But if they hadn’t thought like that, I wouldn’t be standing here talking to you, because your genes wouldn’t have produced me. You don’t produce an antigen for a fictitious disease.

The disease has to be real before you can produce a real antigen. So We let them think the worst of us so that they would think they were doing nothing wrong to do to us whatever they could do to us, since we we planning on “murdering all of them at the end of 6,000 years”.

So it was done, and at the end of that 6,000 years, when he got to be an old man in 1492 (which was approximately 5,000 and some years after he got here), he ruled us. 

So God made a great nation out of these people, and that is what you have here in the United States of America. 

For this world, the United States of America is the greatest nation on Earth, and they had it going on for a while; but now they are going to all have to change.

Everybody has to change. I’m not here to get rid of people’s nations, but I am here to get rid of the imperfection that’s in their nation; and if they receive me, then they will grow to perfection and we will grow into what we were meant to be: the human family of the planet Earth.

Then we will just populate the universe because we won’t have any reason not to, because everybody is going to be righteous.

We aren’t about to put any devils out there. We are going to take care of that. Everybody that doesn’t change, you soon aren’t going to be sucking air on our planet, and it’s your own fault. 

So now let’s get back to the Messenger. This is a long subject, because he has to get you to accept me, and the only way he’s going to do that is, he has to take you through the history of how he got me, and how you all produced me. 

[The Son of Man resumes the video]

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad: If we are that important in the eyes of God and in the eyes of His angels, that He will send saviours, He will send a whole host of them after you: They shall gather you from the west, [and] bring you again into your own.

[The Son of Man pauses the video]

Son of Man: Now think about that. Where am I speaking from? The west; and I’m not just speaking to you from me. I’m speaking to you from Jesus, Moses, David, Solomon [and all of the Prophets and Messengers of God]. We are gathering you from the west. Revelation 16:16 says,

And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon [the Word and the place where it’s found]

You notice, I quote a Scripture, and I take you to where I found it so that you know I’m not lying, and [so] you will know that if you are trying to argue, it’s not really me you are trying to argue with. 

People used to try to come in here and say “Marvin” or “Brother Muhammad”. 

No, you are talking to the Son of Man. Don’t make a mistake: This is the Son of Man you are talking to, not Marvin. 

You don’t walk up to Roy Rogers and say, “Hey, Trigger”. 

Trigger is the horse. Roy Rogers is the man. 

The Son of Man is the mind that’s in me. Marvin is the body. All the body is doing is standing here, or haven’t you figured that out yet? Don’t you know that the mind that’s in you is really you? The body isn’t anything but a temple for that mind, a means to get around.

[The Son of Man resumes the video] 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad: This is the day: A Saviour’s Day. One born on this day.

[The Son of Man pauses the video]

Son of Man: You notice, he said One born on this day. 

What does it mean to be born? 

When your wife, brother, and sister, when you go into labor, what are you about to do? You are about to give birth to a new human being. What do you say after the baby comes out? The baby is what? The baby is born. 

Well, if he said, “A Saviour is born this day”, I came out of America that day. I was there in 1973. 

I was born that day, and like any baby, the baby isn’t self-aware. 

I was not aware that I was the One that he was up there talking about. I wasn’t even inside at that time. I had never heard this. 

I was there and didn’t hear it; because I was one of them standing outside, because the place was packed. But that’s the Saviour’s Day where he said, “Go out wherever you may go and tell others of your kind that the Saviour has arrived.” 

Now let’s go back, because you’re going to hear that come up.

[The Son of Man resumes the video]

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad: Think over that. To save the poor, lost people that has been lost from their own for over 400 years. Go after them. Even I, he said, I will go. Not send, but I am going myself.

As some of us know that this has been practiced under secret for a long time, but today He has arrived. Not King Solomon, but God the king.

We’re going to get over to you the history of this man who is the Almighty God in Person, as He gave it to me. He said to me, beginning His history, and I want you to listen carefully to: that His father was a Black man, very much so. And His mother was a White woman.

He said that His father knew he could not be successful in coming into a solid White country and he, being a solid Black man; so He said to me or rather he taught me, that His father said, “I will go and make me a Son, and I will send my Son among them looking like them.”

Think over that.

[The Son of Man pauses the video]

Son of Man: Now you remember, Master Fard Muhammad looked like a White man; and I’m pretty sure the brother has the picture up behind me on Youtube there. 

He (Master Fard Muhammad) looked White, and as the Scripture teaches you in Romans 8:3,

For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:

Not because the flesh is evil, but because [of] the sinful mind that was in the White man. 

We wanted to show you that it wasn’t the flesh that was the problem, because He came looking like them, and He condemned them as Devils after sitting around their tables listening to them talking about Black people, thinking that He was one of them. That’s in the Scripture.    

Let’s go back and listen to what the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said about Master Fard Muhammad’s father, and let’s take it all in. Then we’ll go read it in the Scripture. 

I remember when the Messenger said this about me: He said, “I’m here to put your mind back into the Scripture so that you can find the Truth that I’m teaching you.”

Now he taught this Truth about Master Fard Muhammad, and he knew I would have to go in the Scriptures and find where the Scripture said that would happen.

[The Son of Man resumes the video] 

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad: He said that His father knew he could not be successful in coming into a solid White country and he, being a solid Black man; so He said to me or rather he taught me, that His father said, “I will go and make me a Son, and I will send my Son among them looking like them.”

Think over that. And my Son, they will think He is one of them and He will find all the lost people.

So Almighty God in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad says to me that he said, I will have to make one [that] looks like them. So He said His father went up into the hills and there he found him a wife—a White wife, and he took her and made a good Muslim out of her. 

I don’t know about that fancy that we have in the Bible that he cast the seven devils out of the woman to make her fit for giving birth to this man, Saviour. 

Now I’m not going to argue with any theologian about it, because there is something in it to prepare a woman that by nature, born of the Devil, to give birth to a man destined to be the ruler in God in Person.

[The Son of Man pauses the video]

Son of Man: Now notice: Master Fard Muhammad’s father knew that he couldn’t come into this racist White country teaching that the White man is the Devil. They would have killed him outright. So he realized that he had to make a Son. 

So he went up into the hills as he said. The hills are the Holy Scriptures, and the mountain is God.  He found a wife in the Scripture, meaning that he could teach righteousness to and it didn’t make any difference what color her skin was; but she needed to be white so that he could produce the child that he wanted to produce. 

So he made a good Muslim out of her, to prepare her to give birth to a man whose mind was destined to be put in a dead man over here who would actually be the Lord God Himself. It takes One to raise One.

So that’s what Master Fard Muhammad gave the Honorable Elijah Muhammad after He came here and taught the Messenger for three years and a half (approximately four or five months), and He told the Messenger, “Now if you can find One that you can teach it all to, then I will widen your circle.” 

And when he found me, he did me like Master Fard Muhammad’s father did him. Master Fard Muhammad’s father, once he got Him here, went and found a word or two of wisdom from this wise man and another one from that one, and every time he got it, he’d bring it and teach it to his son. 

The Messenger, after he found me, gave me the Scriptures from wise men, and said, “Now here you take this. If you want to talk to Allah, you read this. Read the Scriptures.”

And as I began reading the Scriptures, his task was done, because he started me on the road to becoming what I was destined to become; and the mind that was in Master Fard Muhammad that was destined to be the ruler in God in Person has now taken up residence in God in Person. 

It’s just like the crescent and star that’s on my chest. That was just there for me. It wasn’t there for me to show you. It was there for me to know who I am. 

Where it was on the Messenger’s head, it is on my chest. It’s under my head because I’m the God of the universe, not the other way around. The universe is not of me. I’m of the universe.  

I’m the God of the universe, and I’m here to give everybody that accepts righteousness: I’m here to give everybody everything they want. It’s just that simple, because you can’t want too much because the universe is infinite. So just get righteous and everything else is going to be given to you. 

Even Master Fard Muhammad’s father being Black and His mother being white: The first man in America that was Black, truly Black, was the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad was Black when everybody else was negro and nigger. He was telling us we were Black.

So I had a Black father, and the educational system that I went through was of White people, a White mother, spiritually speaking. 

I know more about Christianity than any of these people that are saying that they’re Christians. I grew up in that. I know about Vacation Bible School, YPWW (Young People’s Willing Workers): I know all of that stuff. I was forced into that. 

From the time I was a baby, I’ve known Christianity; but I never actually accepted it because it just didn’t interest me. Not like that. 

I remember quoting Scriptures. I learned long bible verses and all of that, but it didn’t have any meaning to me. What is the point of learning something if you don’t know what to do with it? 

If you just teach children the alphabet, they can say them all day long; but if you don’t teach them what to do with them, they’re not going to have any value to them. 

That’s the way I was with Christianity. It had no value to me; so when I got old enough, I just stopped going to church. 

I didn’t [tell them at the time that] the church wasn’t any good.  I just stopped going, because it didn’t have anything to attract me. When I got old enough, I saw people pretending, and I’m not good at pretending. 

You know how people drink and smoke and do everything during the week, and then get up in church on Sunday shouting and talking about they have the Holy Ghost. 

I knew that was a farce and I just didn’t take part in that. I wanted to believe, but I wasn’t going to fake it. I’d sit there and hope that the Holy Ghost would hit me, because I wanted to see how that felt; and it never did make me jump up and holler and do what I saw them doing. After a while, I realized that it couldn’t be right, because they’d be drinking beer and doing stuff, and I said, “Wait a minute.” 

So religion became like Santa Claus—like everything else that people pretend to do. It’s just make-believe. 

That’s right. Make-believe. But you could never make me believe that. 

Now when the Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s teaching found me, well that wasn’t make-believe because I had been in the military, and I had seen things that I wouldn’t even talk about.  

I mean, people think they want war and all that stuff. You don’t want war, looking at people’s dead bodies laying all around you. You don’t want that. 

Why do you think so many young people are coming back here with post-traumatic stress            syndrome? The time for that is gone. 

Joe Biden did a wonderful thing when he pulled all of the troops out of that place even if Donald Trump didn’t mean to. When he made an agreement to get out of Afghanistan and Joe Biden had to live up to that agreement, that agreement was a good thing for those young people that were over there having to look at human beings like a dead dog or something laying out on the road or whatever. 

You don’t think that affects you, but trust me, it does affect you and it will affect you. You cannot see another human being with their legs and limbs blown off or dead or laying out, and think that it doesn’t affect you. It will come back to you at times when you didn’t even think about it. 

So you don’t want to be a killer. You don’t want that on your conscience. 

Nobody in here with me should have a gun. If you say you’re my follower, you have no business with a gun. 

Now some of you live out in the woods, and I know there’s a .22 or something you have there to deal with (as they say) varmints, snakes and stuff like that if it gets too bad. I understand that, but get a pellet gun. A pellet gun is pretty powerful if you just need to have something to run those things out of your yard, but I don’t want you  picking up guns for human beings. You have no business trying to kill anybody. None of you. Yes?

Brother in the audience: Did you explain what the mountain is?

Son of Man: Yes I did. The mountain is God Himself. 

You notice, the next thing to a mountain is a hill. The next thing to God Himself is the Prophets. So as the Book says in Psalms 121:1,

I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help.

Well that’s because every Messenger of God was a Lord. They were all Lords of men, and as the Book says in the Holy Quran 4:64,

And We sent no messenger but that he should be obeyed by Allah’s command [that he should be Lord].

Well the Lamb, which is me, is the Lord of Lords, and that’s why they were all told to aid me. Revelation 17:14 says,

These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords…

The Holy Quran 3:81 says,

And when Allah made a covenant through the prophets Certainly what I have given you of Book and Wisdom — then a Messenger comes to you verifying that which is with you, you shall believe in him, and you shall aid him…

Even the Messenger said he was helping me. He said, “I’m not saying I’m going to build it; but I’m helping to do it.”

That’s what he would tell you. But anyway, let’s listen to him some more, because I don’t want you to forget what he just said, so I’m going to back it up a little bit.

[The Son of Man resumes the video]

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad: So Almighty God in the Person of Master Fard Muhammad says to me that he said, I will have to make one [that] looks like them. So He said His father went up into the hills and there he found him a wife—a White wife, and he took her and made a good Muslim out of her.

[The Son of Man pauses the video]

Son of Man: The Scripture says in Proverbs 18:22,

Whoso findeth a wife findeth a good thing, and obtaineth favour of the LORD [from the hills].

[The Son of Man resumes the video]

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad: So He said His father went up into the hills and there he found him a wife—a White wife, and he took her and made a good Muslim out of her. 

I don’t know about that fancy that we have in the Bible that he cast the seven devils out of the woman to make her fit for giving birth to this man, Saviour. 

Now I’m not going to argue with any theologian about it, because there is something in it to prepare a woman that by nature, born of the Devil, to give birth to a man destined to be the ruler in God in Person of the heavens and the earth.

[The Son of Man pauses the video]

Son of Man: Now remember, as I told you: I had never submitted to Christianity. I had never accepted any religion, because I was made to accept what Master Fard Muhammad had in His head. 

He was destined to bring the knowledge that would rule in me, and I was born with the destiny of receiving that knowledge. That’s why it’s so easy for me to teach it, because it’s what I was born for. 

A bird is born to fly. A fish is born to swim. I was born to understand the Scriptures. 

See, it’s just that simple. I don’t think anybody could ever point out that I ever displayed hatred for anybody. 

I hate evil. I don’t hate people. That’s why I’m quick to forgive somebody if they correct [themselves]; because it isn’t personal. If you show me that you’re truly sorry for something that you did that I was offended about, and you correct yourself, then me and you are good from that point on. I’m not still carrying that around like I’m some kind of storage tank for booboo [feces]. 

Don’t you know that if you walk around with booboo in your pocket, you’re going to have a terrible attitude? If you’re walking around holding the evil that people are doing or did to you ten years ago and all that old kind of stuff—You can’t be walking around holding that. Let it go. Put it behind you. Do like Jesus and say, “Get thee behind me, Satan. I don’t have time for that.” 

You can choose what you carry, and you can choose what you put down. If you are carrying a package that’s too heavy and you don’t put it down, well that’s you. 

Common sense tells you to put the thing down, and if it’s worth carrying, well then try to find some way to carry it without it being a burden; because nothing that is too burdensome for you does Allah impose upon you. 

Now they have wagons, they have shopping carts: they have all kinds of means to carry something that you need to carry without burdening yourself down with it. So likewise, the Scripture says in Isaiah 9:6,

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor…

Well if you have a wonderful counselor, why are you carrying stuff on your head?  Why don’t you take it to the Lord and leave it there? But that’s just your arrogance. 

If you were smart enough to put a stop to what’s bothering you, it wouldn’t be bothering you. Have you thought about that? 

When something is bothering you, it’s because you don’t know how to make it stop. I know how to make stuff stop that’s bothering me. I’m not helpless. Allah is my help. 

If you trust me and do like I tell you, you won’t have a bunch of troubles. Just do like I tell you. 

It may not seem that I’m answering you like you think you ought to be answered, but if you knew what I know, then you wouldn’t need me to counsel you. And if you were as wise as you think you are, why are you having so much trouble?  

I’m here. If you use me, fine. If you don’t, still fine with me. I’m not here to beg anybody to follow me. 

So the Messenger is going to just get right down to it in a minute, that the Saviour has arrived. He didn’t say the Saviour has returned. He said the Saviour has arrived.

[The Son of Man resumes the video]

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad: Naturally he had to be careful in preparing his wife.  

[The Son of Man pauses the video]

Son of Man: You can’t be more careful than to prepare your wife based on what’s written in the Word of God.

[The Son of Man resumes the video]

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad: We have a very lot of this. You are not going to get through with this in 15 minutes. So He says to me, or He taught me, that He was taken by His father after He was born, and went looking for every good book, or books, that contained great words of  wisdom spoken by great kings, of all great people. He’d get a word or two from this one or a word or two from that one, which was put away as a secret; and he’d bring it and give it to Him.

[The Son of Man pauses the video]

Son of Man: Now what was the Bible and the Holy Quran put away as? A mystery. A secret. And he gave it to me. Ezekiel 2:9-10 says,

9 And when I looked, behold, an hand was sent unto me; and, lo, a roll of a book was therein;

10 And he spread it before me; and it was written within and without: and there was written therein lamentations, and mourning, and woe.

Ezekiel 3:1 says,

Moreover he said unto me, Son of man, eat that thou findest; eat this roll, and go speak unto the house of Israel.

“Moreover he said unto me, Son of Man, take the book and eat it up. Study it.”

The Book says in 2nd Timothy 3:15,

And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation…

But you still have to study to show yourself approved unto God, unto the One that the Word came from; and if all of them don’t agree with you, you aren’t ready to go teach. 

So I had to study and I had to practice. I had to argue with people. 

It’s just like how you look at a fighter before he gets into a real match. He gets sparring partners. So as I read the Scriptures and read the Scriptures, they spar with me and then I go out and teach  people; and I’m ready for that match, until now, I can stand up and talk to the whole world and I don’t have to fear that somebody’s going to come in here and make me ashamed because I can’t deal with what they have to say. You don’t have anything that I’m scared to hear and We are on the internet right now all over the Earth.

Engineer: Kiel Jones says, “Happy Saviour’s Day.”

Son of Man: And the same to you. We are having the Messenger explain to us why Saviour’s Day, and you’re getting it straight from the horse’s mouth. You didn’t have to think that I’m filtering something out. No, he’s telling you what Saviour’s Day is, and he also told you that in 1973, that was the day that the Saviour was born. 

He said, “A Saviour is born this day”; and they thought he was talking about the 26th of February, which he was; but he wasn’t talking about it like they were thinking. 

He knew that I was there. Remember, he told them that he was expecting somebody pretty soon; and then he said, “The Saviour has arrived.” 

He said, “He is born this day.” 

Some doctors are pretty good at predicting when the baby is going to come, and they get close to the time. Some of them get it right on time, and so the Messenger knew that I was there. He felt my presence, and what I was feeling was the peace that I got from being in his presence, so to speak. I didn’t know what it was, but I knew I was at peace.

It came to me often off and on, just a peace that you can’t explain. It’s unexplainable, but it made me know that I was in the right place. So when he wasn’t here any more, I knew he was gone before they said it; because I felt like I had been left. I felt like I had been left behind; and then when they said he had passed, I knew what that feeling was. 

You know, I was dejected about that. I didn’t know what to do, and I thought about his books. I read his books. I read “The Divine Sayings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad”, where he said, “If you want to talk to Allah, read the Quran, read the Scriptures.”

I started reading the Scriptures, and to my surprise, I understood. That’s how I determined that I’m the Son of Man, from reading the Scriptures and trusting that if I wasn’t the Son of Man, I should not have understood it, because it’s addressed to the Son of Man. It says, “Son of Man, do this, Son of Man, say that.”

So, you know that nobody else is [saying that they’re] the Son of Man. I’m the only One who answers to that title, so it must be me; and if it isn’t me, I don’t know it isn’t me, so I can’t be accused of lying. 

When you lie, you know you aren’t telling the truth. That’s what a lie is. When it’s coming out of your mouth, if you know it’s not true, you are a liar. But if you’re saying something that you believe is true, that may be false, you’re not the liar; but whoever taught that to you is the liar unless they passed it on because they believed it too; but somebody started it, and that’s the liar. 

Engineer: Excuse me, sir. Eric Bell says, “Myself and Brother Taalib were not physically able to make it to Saviour’s Day, but I am watching your live stream and may Allah be pleased with you.” 

Son of Man: All praise is due to Allah.

[The Son of Man resumes the video]

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad: He paid the people high prices for such word or two on the history of such and such man. So these things, He was in preparation at the time.

Let’s go back to the hills now. He said that after finding a wife for him up in the hills—I’m not going into that with you right now about where the hills were at and who was called the hills. I’m not going into that with you right now. 

[The Son of Man pauses the video]

Son of Man: So you see, he knew that was for me to do. He said someday I’ll be telling you. Well he’s here with me telling you what the hills are. 

[The Son of Man resumes the video]

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad: Someday you will soon hear me tell you, but I want to be sure when I tell you this, that the hills will welcome me to tell you.

[The Son of Man pauses the video]

Son of Man: Remember when the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was talking about Habakkuk, and he read [where it said] that he had horns coming out of his hands, and the burning coals went forth at his feet. He said, “The burning coals could mean the anger of the people, but it is good that Allah is here to make Himself known.” 

The Messenger didn’t try to get into what you call, explanations, of what’s meant by what’s said in the Scriptures. That wasn’t his job. His job was to give me the keys, because he knew that Allah would show me what to do. 

See, he’s like the porter. The porter opens the door for you by giving you the key, or by using the key and opening the door and telling you now you go on in. But the Saviour that you read of in the Scripture: In the 10th chapter of John and verse 7, it says,

Then said Jesus unto them again, Verily, verily, I say unto you, I am the door of the sheep.

The Messenger said he was the gate of the people, or the door of the people. Verse 9 says,

I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

Well in order to be the Saviour, the shepherd has to first be saved. 

How can a lifeguard save you from drowning if he can’t swim? He has to be able to save himself. 

Well how am I going to be able to grant you dominion if I can’t grant myself dominion? That would be kind of hard to do. If I was not the Grantor of Dominion, somebody on the internet or somebody somewhere [would] be able to argue with me. 

To have dominion is to have rulership, to have the last word. If you can’t get the last word, you aren’t ruling; and the only way you get the last word is when people can’t think of anything to say to contradict you. 

So I must be the original man of the new world. I’m the first man for the new world. That’s why everything that I’m teaching you is new. 

People thought they understood the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, and they’re finding out they didn’t. It’s just like right now: He said, “I may tell you what the hills are, but I want to make sure the hills don’t mind me telling.” Just listen to him again. I’ll back it up, because I don’t like paraphrasing when I have it right here. 

[The Son of Man resumes the video]

The Honorable Elijah Muhammad: He paid the people high prices for such word or two on the history of such and such man. So these things, He was in preparation at the time.

Let’s go back to the hills now. He said that after finding a wife for him up in the hills—I’m not going into that with you right now about where the hills were at and who was called the hills. I’m not going into that with you right now. Someday you will soon hear me tell you, but I want to be sure when I tell you this, that the hills will welcome me to tell you.

We have from Him, He says to me, that His father married this woman and that the first child she birthed for him was a girl. And He said his father said, “Hmm, I missed that time.” 

So He said he made another try, and that was him. And he says that he had taken so careful care of Him, that He may be sent among the western people, the Caucasian people. Of course their real name you have known. Of course, Caucasian is their name too, but their real name is the Devil. But he needed one of these Devil people in order to make complete. 

[The Son of Man pauses the video]

Son of Man:  Remember, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad said he needed one of these devil people in order to make complete. Make what complete? To make complete the man that He said in the Holy Quran 15:28-29,

28 And when thy Lord said to the angels I am going to create a mortal of sound clay, of black mud              fashioned into shape.

29 So when I have made him complete and breathed into him of My spirit, fall down making obeisance to him.

All the angels had to fall down, humble themselves, and make obeisance to me; but in order to make me complete, He had to first get in here with the Truth that would complete me. He couldn’t get in here in black skin, so He came in white skin, because black skin was just that in America: dirt. 

If you were Black, you better be careful what you let come out of your mouth. So He came looking white. He came in the likeness of sinful flesh because of sin. What did He do that for? For sin, to condemn sin in the flesh. That’s the way it’s put in Romans. Romans 8:3 says,

For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh:

Now understand something: The first child that Master Fard Muhammad’s father produced by the woman was a girl, and His father said, “Well I missed that time.” 

The first nation that was produced that was above all other nations was a girl, a natural-minded nation called the United States of America. God brought this country into existence. He gave them the Declaration of Independence, He gave them the Constitution, He gave them the law; and they called this a grand experiment, because it had not been done before.

When God does something, it is going to be new, something that nobody’s ever done before. So He brought this country into existence, a girl, and the law and the natural. It’s just like how you call nature, “mother”: Mother Nature. 

May Allah’s-Salaam-Alaikum.

The Son & Sun of Man
Messenger of the Covenant

The Son of Man
5306 Red Lick Road
Lorman, MS 39096
Home # (601) 786-6267 or 786-9742
Cell # (601) 786-1332

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