It’s Time For the Devil to Lose his Mastery over You

I greet all of you who are hungry and thirsty for the Truth of religion and the Word of God, and for Truth in general, with the greeting words of peace:

May Allah’s-Salaam-Alaikum.

We want to begin, as We always do, with the people who have something they want to discuss with Us, or questions that you may have concerning something that I’ve taught, or disagreements.
If I’m standing here telling you that I am the Son of Man, which means I’m the Judge of the world, you have a right to question me if you have doubts; because that is what intelligent people do.
The intelligent person, before making a judgment, examines the person. You notice, they call it cross-examination. That’s just another way of saying, when you first take the stand, since the burden of proof is on the one that’s making the accusation, every witness that the prosecution calls is geared towards pointing to guilt. The defense gets to “cross-examine”.
You know, when you cross the path of someone, you get in their path, at least temporarily, and they’re pushing back to get it to point towards “not guilty”.
Now how do you know when a person is telling you, at least, what they believe is the truth? They are very open to discussion.
I never had a teacher that wasn’t ready to have an open discussion about what they were telling us in the classroom. Never did a teacher say to me, “You just have to believe me.”
Never. Because most questions from children start with the word “why”.
“Why is this, why is that?”
You don’t tell them, “because I say it’s so”. That’s not the answer.
In some cases, there are exceptions. You don’t allow any child to question your authority to command them to do something, if you’re their parent. And even then, in these classes, you have babies in here.
Well, some of y’all have been in here since you were babies. [smiles] But, even when they were babies, they were sitting up here getting the same teaching that you’re getting.
My children would be the first ones to come at me and say, “Look, Daddy, I don’t mean any disrespect, but I don’t believe you’re really the Lord.”
They’ve been around me all their life. Not one of them ever told me they didn’t believe I’m the Lord.
You remember, W.D. Mohammed tried to lie to his daddy. You see, when you become a man, one of the first signs of manhood is you don’t feel you need to lie to someone about your true feelings.
Everybody in here probably has at one time or another heard me say the words “I’m not scared of any of you”.
If I don’t tell you otherwise, you don’t have to wonder. Why? Because you know I don’t just go off on anybody, especially my followers. I respect my followers.
That’s the first sign that somebody truly cares about you: They respect you. If you don’t respect the person, how are you going to say you love them?
So when W.D. was talking to the Messenger (the Honorable Elijah Muhammad) once, he said he told him, “Dad, I could more believe that you are God than Him (Master Fard Muhammad) because He’s a White man.”
And that was hypocrisy. Let me show you. Out of his own mouth came his condemnation. He didn’t tell the Messenger the truth about how he felt. He thought he was hiding the truth from the Messenger.
In that same tape, W.D. Mohammed said that as he was getting put out because he disbelieved in Master Fard Muhammad, his mother walked him to the door and told him, “Well, just go back and say you believe”.
Then he said to his mother, “Did Master Fard Muhammad ever say to you he was God?”
He said she dropped her head and said, “No.” And so he left.
Well, why would he say that he could believe more that the Messenger was God than Master Fard Muhammad? That’s what he told the Messenger; but no, why didn’t he just say, “I believe you’re lying, Dad?”
Because that’s what he was actually saying without realizing that the Messenger too picked up on Master Fard Muhammad didn’t tell anybody He was God. He only bore witness to that when the Messenger told him that’s who he was.
You can’t be a judge if you can’t analyze testimony. You don’t have any business on the jury if you don’t have sense enough to sit there and deliberate.
Why do you think they call it “deliberation”? What is the meaning of “liberation”?

Engineer: To set free.

Son of Man: To set free. John 8:32 says,
And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
So when you are going over evidence, if it was presented and enough of it was there, the evidence will free you to make the decision.
There are people sending poison over here from everywhere, and people are buying it.
You are going to pay for that.
Can any of you all say that the United States has exported things that are harmful? Now I know that the US has a history of some terrible stuff. I ought to know. I haven’t forgotten about Agent Orange. It’s just like here: There’s stuff that’s being sold, like Round Up, that they are recalling and telling you that that stuff is killing people. It’s giving you cancer and that kind of thing.
So everybody has their share of some blame. But now, if you say that this man over here in America, is the great Satan—That’s what you call it. I hear a lot of you all refer to this country as the Great Satan. And okay, I’ll bear you witness.
The Scripture bears you witness that Babylon [is] the USA. Why does it say that the USA is Babylon? How do you know that the USA is Babylon?
People talk that talk, but ask them, “What makes you say that?”
Do you remember when all of them were running around calling the White man the Devil? And then when he confronted Farrakhan about it, and he confronted Malcolm and them about it, they didn’t have any proof. They just said, “Well look at all of the evil you’ve done. You sure weren’t a saint.”
Look at all of the evil that a lot of people have done. You aren’t calling the rest of them “devils”.
See, when you get away from the Word of God, you are just “winging it”. The Word of God is a fact, all the time, and facts prove themselves. They’re not yours. They’re not mine. They are. “I am that I am”. Exodus 3:14 says,
And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM:
So I’m the only one that gets away with saying the White man is the Devil, and he doesn’t say anything because I can go into these Books here and let the Book tell him who he is.
So that’s irrelevant because even the devil is the Son of God. All of us with big families understand that there was always somebody in there [who] you wonder [about]: “Where did he come from?”
Even amongst the mythology, who was Loki? Thor’s brother. Isn’t that something? And he’s always trying to hurt Thor.
Who was Cain? What did he do to Abel? I mean, that’s just yin and yang. Light and the absence of it, darkness. Truth and lies.
Understand something: We did not so much as create the light, because the light is in all matter.
Evidence. Every crime has light in it, and it’s called evidence. You just have to find it.
I had never thought about these things until I got up here. I’m standing up here now, so you know, I’m sharing with you what Allah has put on my mind.
So, the main thing is that you who sit out there making judgments about me: you know your judgment is false because you don’t want to present it in open court. When I invite you to bring some facts in here, you come in here with nothing. Just your own personal thoughts, thinking that’s going to carry the day.
Just because you believe a thing, that doesn’t make it a fact. And you should be embarrassed to even come in here with your belief while I’m showing you where I’m getting what I’m saying from.
It’s called the Word of God; and then here you come talking to me like it’s my word that I’m saying to you. You are going to get in trouble for that. Remember, payback is something. I’m just telling you now.
You don’t realize you’re already being paid. It has started.
Let me tell you something. Somebody sent my daughter a note. Understand something: She’s not just my daughter. She’s my follower. What did that note say? Let me see. I’ll read it.
It says, “Greetings: You have been selected to pick cotton at the nearest plantation. Be ready at 10 PM sharp with all your belongings. The executive slaves will come pick you up in a brown van. Be prepared to be searched down upon arrival to the plantation. You are in plantation group C.”
She called me with that. She told me, “Daddy, I just got this text, and it didn’t have a name on it.”
I said, “Well, you block that number from now on.” And then I cast whoever did it into hell—just to find out it was one of my other followers playing jokes.
I’m going to tell you something. You may be playing; but when you offend me or anybody that’s following me, I’m going to throw you in hell.
You don’t want to be there. You don’t want to be on the wrong side of my judgment.
Don’t joke with each other. Am I clear? Now the one that did it called me crying, but crying isn’t going to get you out of it the next time.
When was the last time I played a joke on any of you all?
People used to try to accuse me of being too serious. How would you like it if the sun just didn’t come up one day, and you stayed in darkness 24 hours? And if the sun could talk, it would say, “I was just joking.”
But don’t do that again. Remember the story of the boy who cried wolf. Don’t joke with me and don’t joke with my followers.
If you are my follower, then understand something: I’m serious about building the New Nation of entire submission to the Will of God.
In one place in the Holy Quran it says and it is not a joke. The Holy Quran 86:14 says,
And it is not a joke.
We have been through enough hell without joking with each other about it. And I told you: I don’t have to see you. All I have to do is just say the Word.
Allah told me in the Holy Quran 50:24,
Cast into hell every ungrateful, rebellious one,
What have you found me telling you that wasn’t the Truth? It isn’t my fault if you didn’t appreciate it. That’s your fault.
That’s what people do when they don’t appreciate you. They are ungrateful.
Well I forgave the person; and just hope that Allah forgives you.
Allah is right there. [The Son of Man points to his head] Point where I’m pointing.
Okay, you know the Truth. Who instructed you to play that joke? Certainly not Allah. Be careful that the devil doesn’t gain the mastery over you.
You know, I forgive quick. Y’all know me: I’m not somebody that runs around here harboring ill will and feelings about anybody. But if you haven’t repented in your mind, Allah knows that. Why? Because you know it.
You have forgotten that the head of every man is Christ and the head of Christ is God. The head of every man is God. 1st Corinthians 11:3 says,
But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God.
The Holy Quran 75:14 says,
Nay, man is evidence against himself,
Even me: Allah told me through one of my brothers, “Son of Man, if you are going to run, you make sure you stretch first.”
You see, athletes do that. They stretch and they loosen up.
So I neglected to do that before I ran. (I was running today.) I told you all that I was going to let the brothers clock me. I got away with running, but I didn’t get away with not stretching; and I feel it right now in one of my legs. It isn’t anybody’s fault but mine.
I want you to remember: We are responsible for what we know. When you received the warning or the admonishment; if you forgot it, that’s your fault.
Even before I did it, I remembered what he told me. So I ran a little bit there, but you know, that isn’t a stretch. So I’m kind of paying a little price for it now. It isn’t so bad, but I can feel it.
So, you know, I have to tell the Truth, even on me.
I’ve been blessed. All my life, I’ve been blessed in hindsight—You know why I say it like that?
I say “hindsight” because I didn’t recognize it all the time while it was actually happening; but when I look back over my life, I have never been left alone.
Remember: I told you [about] when I was in elementary school, crying on the way to school because I didn’t want to go; but I went. I thought I was going to get beat up and two brothers—I will never forget them—Rudy Wolfe and W.T. Green came up and asked me what was wrong with me. I told them the Goody gang was going to jump on me, and W.T. said, “Nobody’s going to bother you. Come on.”
And he and Rudy walked up to Goody and asked him, “Why do you want to jump on Marvin?” And he said, “Nobody wants to jump on him.”
It was only in my mind because I had gotten into it with one of their gang members.
As I look back, all through my life, it’s been like that. I did a lot of things that I was afraid of, but I did it because I just couldn’t see being a coward. Now I know why.
However you are in childhood, that’s the beginning of [adulthood]. That’s why they call it “adolescence”: The essence of an adult.
You must face things that you may be afraid of, but if you succumb to bullies when you’re growing up, more than likely you are going to try to get in a position of power and then you are going to become what you hated, calling yourself paying people back. You aren’t paying them back if you’ve become just like them. No, they converted you.
So don’t ever become the thing that you condemn. We are all guilty of it, but one of the most wonderful words that I know of is the word “repent”.
That’s why I remember that line in Kingsman when he said, “Eggsy, being a nobleman has nothing to do with being better than other people. A true nobleman strives to be better than his former self.”
True nobility comes from being better than you used to be, because that means you looked inside and were able to objectively view your own self and you didn’t like what you saw. And you worked to change it for the better, and that’s good. That’s good.
Remember, one of Allah’s attributes is that He is omnipresent. So everywhere you go, Allah IS. Just waiting on it to become apparent to you.
You notice, Jesus calls God “Father”. What do they call fathers and mothers in the school system? They call them “parents”. So when the Truth is manifest to you, it truly is “apparent” to you.
See how wonderful our language is?
So now We are on the internet. I mean, just think for a moment: A telegraphed vision is what you’re seeing in that screen up there.
Do you know what people would have called radio and television back in the days when the Prophets were here? They would have looked at the images of people in a box talking and called them miracles. Some would have called it witchcraft.
But We know better. The Truth guided us to this. With God, all things are possible, even turning matter into pure energy and back again.
Let me show you what I’m getting at here. The first man didn’t have a father and he didn’t have a mother. He didn’t come from sperm and ovum. But where did he come from?
If you follow a thing long enough, wherever it hides, if you know how to follow its trail, it will lead you back to its starting point. Everything that exists had a beginning. Every thing that exists had a beginning.
That which is born of matter is matter. It’s just that simple. And mind is not a soul; but over it is a keeper. Mind has always been the keeper over matter.
So how long these forms took to be conceived and then brought into being, well that’s another story altogether. These are the kind of thoughts that I entertain, and I’m just sharing some of them with you.
You see me sitting by myself a lot. It’s not like I’m sitting there idle. I mean, I just look like I’m idle.
Iron looks like it’s idle, but there’s all kinds of motion going on inside there.
We have an infinite universe, and so we coined a phrase: “the possibilities are infinite.”
That’s true. Not the impossibilities. The possibilities are infinite, but only to a mind that has been completed enough to recognize its purpose as the ruler of the universe. As long as we think small, we will remain small.
You see an example of that in fish. When you take a little goldfish and you put him in that 25 or 30 gallon aquarium, he gets so big. Take that same goldfish and put him in an aquarium that holds 500 gallons, and he gets bigger.
I tried to tell you, be careful what aquarium you get in. You have people that don’t listen to anything but Fox News and some of those [other] news channels that don’t do anything but spread lies and propaganda.
You know, you have some people who watch that, and didn’t even know that over a million people died from COVID.
We just assume that everybody is hearing and seeing the things that we heard and saw. I mean, how could you miss that? But they did miss it. They were told, don’t believe anything that you see on the other news channels, so they stopped looking at it.
Why is that?
You notice, I have never told you don’t listen to Farrakhan. I have never told you don’t listen to anybody. I told you to just be careful what you let somebody put in your brain, and I told you that if someone is telling you the truth, they don’t care who you go to hear.
I certainly don’t. You go on if that’s what you want. Knock yourself out.
They say that for a reason. When somebody tells you something that’s good for you and you don’t accept it or you reject it, well knock yourself out.
You know what “knock yourself out” is. You can make yourself deaf, dumb and blind. Physically you can do it. All you have to do is stick the wrong thing down your ear. Stick something smaller than a football down in your ear.
That’s what the doctors used to say: Don’t put anything in your ear smaller than a football.
You can go play around with your ears, but if you bust that ear drum, you’ll go deaf. If you poke your eye out, you’ll go blind, if that’s what you want to do. But don’t expect me to feel sorry for you when you do it. The blame is off of me.
I stood up here too long warning you for me to be feeling guilty because you decided to ignore my warning. No, I’m not going to shed any tears for you.
Now this is 2nd Thessalonians. Don’t worry, I’m going to go back to Isaiah. This goes with the book of Romans, the 1st chapter, and the 2nd chapter of 2nd Thessalonians.
Now like the Book says, as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of Man. Likewise as it was in the days of Lot.
I think I’d better start at the 24th verse in the 1st chapter of Romans. It says,
24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
25 Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature
[molten images] more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working
[doing] that which is unseemly…
I know it says “working”. I want to make sure you understand what it’s saying.
It didn’t use to seem right to people to do it in the first place. And then it says,
…And receiving in themselves that recompence [or reward] of their error which was meet [agreeable for them].
28 And even as they did not like to retain God [the Grantor of Dominion, the Truth] in their knowledge, God [the Grantor of Dominion, the Truth] gave them over to a reprobate mind…
That’s a truthful way to deceive a person.
…God [the Truth] gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient [which are not good for them];
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness…

As George Washington warned: He said, “And let us with caution indulge the idea that national morality can be maintained in the absence of religious principles.”
It’s like how you have some people, not me, but some people that think that you can make righteousness the law.
You cannot. Righteousness is a choice and unrighteousness is a choice.
You notice: In school, what do they call classes that you choose to take? They are called “electives”.
What do you want to be when you graduate?
“I think I want to be an engineer.”
Well, they have courses that you can take. If you want to be an engineer, you have to take engineering.
But it was your choice. Nobody can force it on you.
You can’t force education on people. Some young people decide they’re not going to go to school. Their parents sent them off, but they don’t go. They call it ditching school. And then you have some that just drop out.
It’s a choice. I can’t open you up and do you like someone does a cup or a glass or a plate, and just put something in you. I can’t do that.
You have to let me do this. You have to let me teach you.
You can’t blame the devil. If you open yourself to him, he comes in.
If you don’t want the Truth, then you’re open to the devil, to delusion (lies).
Some people don’t like reality. They had a fictitious character called Walter Mitty. He was always thinking about something that wasn’t real.
You have people that would rather live in a false reality.
What’s a false reality?

Engineer: It’s a lie.

Son of Man: We already agreed on that, but what is it actually?

Engineer: A form of insanity.

Son of Man: It’s a form of insanity, yes. But what actually is it?
A false reality is a reality that only exists in that person’s mind and has nothing to do with what is real around it, but they have convinced themselves that the real is unreal.
As Donald told them once, “Don’t believe anything you see.”
Well, that’s a good way of putting it. “Don’t believe your lying eyes.”
I mean, I can’t blame the deceiver for his deception after I have shared the Truth with you, and he shuts his mouth.
He doesn’t defend what he told you, and I’m calling him a lie. He doesn’t offer any defense. He’s not contending, so he’s acknowledging his guilt of lying; and if you still hold on to the lie, you can’t blame that on him. He’s going to tell you, “Blame me not.” Is that what the devil said? The Holy Quran 14:22 says,
And the devil will say, when the matter is decided: Surely Allah promised you a promise of truth, and I promised you, then failed you. And I had no authority over you, except that I called you and you obeyed me; so blame me not but blame yourselves. I cannot come to your help, nor can you come to my help. I deny your associating me with Allah before. Surely for the unjust is a painful chastisement.
Well, that’s true. Can’t blame him then.
It’s just like how some of them are listening to me now and trying to figure out why I’m not all broke up. I’m not broken up because I warned you. I don’t have to say, “Oh boy, maybe I should have said something.”
No, I don’t have to say that, because I did say something. So what do you want me to do? Cry? [smiles]
Anyway, let’s see here. So the Book says in Romans 1:29,
Being filled with all unrighteousness…
Luke 16:9 says,
And I say unto you, Make [too] yourselves friends of the mammon of unrighteousness…
Don’t gorge yourself on it. But they’re filled with all unrighteousness.
Why is this place called “Babylon”?
Do you know where the term “babble” actually comes from? That’s the way people talk about babies. Have you ever heard a baby in the crib? What do they do? Babble. You’ll be trying to figure out what the baby is trying to say. Sometimes they go, “Ba ba ba ba.”
You know. They learn to try to mimic what you’re doing, but they can’t do it. They’re trying to mimic your sounds.
What are people in church and in mosques and in synagogues and all them, doing? They’re trying to mimic the Prophets, but all they’re doing is babbling. Confused noise is coming out of their mouths.
Why is the United States “Babylon”? Because, one thing about this country is that you have religions everywhere. Every type of religion that you can name is right here, and all of them claim to be building a tower to heaven. They claim that they’re going to show you the way up to heaven; and it is all confusion, so much so until you even have people that openly claim to worship Satan, and you have people that claim that there isn’t a God in the same country.
Babylon: Just babbling on.
So anyway, this is where we’re at. This is what you have here. They have become the habitation of divisors of illusion. You call them conspiracy theorists. Qanon. That’s a divisor of illusion. And you go there and you get a mind in you that just keeps making up false spheres of thought.
So now Babylon is fallen. How do you know they’re fallen?
When you don’t stand for something, what happens? They have fallen for anything and everything. So God gave them over to that. The Grantor of Dominion gave them over to that reprobate mind.
In this country, the more lowdown you are, the more people look up to you.
Do you know why? Because [they have] that old adage, “Well if I’m going to hell, I’m going to have lots of company.”
So they think having lots of company is some kind of way, a good thing.
It can be a good thing, but not if you’re on your way to hell.
You know, in the cycle of life, hundreds of thousands of life germs left the scrotum of your father, and the majority of them never had a chance to reach the egg because they went the wrong way. The majority of them went the wrong way. The majority of them took the easy course, the downhill road.
You have people that learn evil, learn to be con men, and learn to be everything that righteousness dictates against, and they think they are ascending up into knowledge when they actually are descending.
They never gave a thought to why these societies, as they call them, are “secret” societies.
How can you claim to be receiving light if you’re in the dark receiving it? You’re not receiving enlightenment. You’re receiving ways that ten people can manipulate and cheat masses of people, and you think you’re getting something that makes you wise?
Only wise to be evil. I have to talk to you like this, because that’s the kind of world you live in, where you can insult people to their face and they don’t have sense enough to know that they’ve been insulted; and you laugh at them.
I remember when I was in barber school. I went to American Barber College, and one of the courses taught you on how to deal with the public. I know he probably didn’t understand everything that he was saying, but I understood. He thought he was teaching us right, but he was teaching it in such a way where it had a negative connotation.
As he said, “You know you have your [sierra] together when you can tell somebody to go to hell, and they enjoy packing for the trip.”
All he was saying was, you have to know how to deal with the public, even somebody who is annoying or something like that. You have to learn to remember that that is the customer. You have to put up with that to get what you are there for.
You want that money that’s in their pocket. You aren’t going to get that if they decide that they don’t want you serving them. You don’t have to fall in love with them, but you don’t have to be hateful either.
See, that’s what I got out of it for myself, but that’s not what he said in his message.
If I can help it, I’m not going to insult an ignorant person just because I know they aren’t going to understand. No.
So don’t get in the habit of thinking that it’s okay to be disrespectful, even if the person you are disrespecting doesn’t have sense enough to know that they’re being disrespected; because eventually, that person may wake up. All sleepers eventually wake up, and they are going to think back over that conversation that you had with them, and they are going to realize that you were disrespectful.
On the other hand, when they wake up one day, they are going to realize that even when they were a fool, you still showed them respect. I’d much prefer the latter.
I don’t want anybody to wake up and say “The Son of Man was very disrespectful.”
I don’t want anybody to say that about me and be true. No, I was not disrespectful. I just told you the Truth, and you didn’t like it.

May Allah’s-Salaam-Alaikum.

The Son & Sun of Man
Messenger of the Covenant

The Son of Man
5306 Red Lick Road
Lorman, MS 39096
Home # (601) 786-6267 or 786-9742
Cell # (601) 786-1332

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